Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Halfway Weigh

I think we can all admit that 19 pounds in the first two weeks was crazy!  My body had a big reaction to an influx of fruits and vegetables, and decrease in burgers, beer and pizza.  I do not expect a 2week loss like that ever again.

Most of my 2week weigh-ins have been the 7 pound loss variety.  Which is great, fantastic and more than I could have dreamed of losing.  There are a couple 2week weigh-ins that standout as below the norm.  The weeks following that initial 19 pounds, I lost 5 pounds.  These last two weeks, I lost 5 pounds.  Losing 5 pounds is great and I do not want to sound like there is something wrong with that weight loss.  BUT I am a math guy now, and I look for reasons why outliers are in my data.

The 2week window after the initial 19 pounds, was during the Holidays (a known weight gain time), but it was a break from teaching. Two weeks in which my schedule was different and my habits were not so habit-tee.  Then over these last two weeks, 10 of those days were Mid-Winter Break and I was not teaching. (Insert lazy, greedy teacher joke here.)  Again my schedule was thrown off and my habits were less than habitatious.

This makes me start to consider what could happen over the summer.  Will I derail?  Will pizza, beer and burgers find their way back into my tum-tum?  How can I combat this? What plan can I make?  I will need help.  I will need accountability.  I will need you.  Yeah, I am talking about you.  Not some other Blog reader,...YOU!

Be ready my Adams Army of Healthy Habiteers!  I will be calling on you before too long...

So yeah, 5 more pounds.  For a total of 52 pounds!  All those people that gave themselves a Max of 50, time to pay up :)  Use the link below.

Donate to Ryan.  

danke, gracias, merci, much obliged


  1. Radams, I am feeling kind of the same way right now... I eat really healthy when I am working, because Jesse and I pack our lunches every day, and I fill them with only nutritious things. But i'm home now infinitely (so we can avoid paying for daycare for 2 kids), and i'm worried I will fall off the healthy wagon!

  2. You can count on Jess and I for a healthy meal!
