Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Advice For A Fee

"You know the secret to life?  I do!  And I 'll tell you all about it, in my book which you can buy for $19.95."

That's what I think of when I hear about most weight-loss food plans, exercise plans, pills or the like.

"It's so easy that you can do it in only minutes a day!"  You know what? It's not easy!

"All you need to do is buy my program..."  Oh, is that all?  It's a wonder we have an obesity problem if that's all you have to do!

"For as little as 27 cents a day, you to can have a body like..."  For as little as free, you can shut up!

I apologize for my bitter tone, but deception should not be part of any weight-loss plan.  Don't deceive yourself, and don't let others deceive you.  There are many ways to lose weight, and you need to find one that works for you and STICK TO IT!  That's the secret.  Stick to it!  No money required.

When I reached a 50 pound weight-loss, I received texts, emails and FB posts talking about the determination, the fortitude, and as one person put it, the stubbornness that it took to lose 50 pounds.  All of these ideas circle around, stick to it!

I gathered a large group to hold me accountable.  I read a book, Eat to Live.  I joined  I was given the P90 DVDs.  I read forwarded websites from friends.  Yeah, I spent some money, and yeah I have stumbled in my plan.  But I have stuck with it!

There you go.  Mystery solved.  Pick something that will work for you for the long-haul and stick to it!


On a side note. I know that most of my readers have already agreed to sponsor my weight-loss, and it's shaping up to be a bigger donation that you would normally consider(And I thank you for that, from the bottom of my heart), but I wanted to share the fundraising page of my friend Gary.  He is on our Relay planning committee, and he works at Leota JH.  His life has been greatly impacted by cancer, and he has a hard time asking for donations.  Obviously, I don't... :)  Read his page, and if you feel like you can, or know someone that can donate to his efforts, pass it along.  Thanks!

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