Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hiding the Hard

Working out is something that I have enjoyed lately. I loved hiking a couple weeks ago. I actually had fun on the Elliptical Trainer. Going for walks definitely consists of less chub-rub. Then why am I having a hard time fitting this into my weekly routines?

I have not been doing the P90 videos. I have not been using the workout room that is 25 feet from my classroom at school. I have not been going for walks right outside my front door. What is my problem?

I could run the gambit of excuses. I am working 12 hour days almost everyday. I am the Event Chair for Relay For Life. I am still trying to be a good friend and family member, which means spending time. But these are just excuses.

I have lied to some of you when you have asked me about workouts. "Oh they are going great." "Yeah, I did the P90 twice this weekend." "The workout room at school is so close, how could I not use it?!" Great question.

I am sorry for my fibs(I say to you while hiding behind a blog post). I have two months and eleven days until my final weigh-in. I need to stop hiding my struggles, stop making excuses, and start making exercise a priority and a habit.

Bring on the sweat!


  1. Radams, do you have a friend nearby who will meet you for walks or workouts? Having someone who will hold you accountable is a great motivator.

  2. Finding out what works for you is a constant struggle for most people. Keep up the good work.
