Sunday, February 12, 2012

Me, Math Teacher? Part 2

Once I realized that I wanted to be a teacher, I started to place myself in positions to learn about teaching.  As ASB President I helped start a tutoring program with Carl Sandburg Elementary in which Jr High students would walk the half a block to the elementary school and help teachers in their classroom for the last 30 minutes of the day.  Here I began to realize that you need to speak the kid's language.  When I described a plateau as a section of land that has high-elevation and low-relief, the kid started to cry because I confused them even more. I then changed my vocabulary for communicating with kids.

In high school I participated in the tutoring program at the local Boys and Girls Club.  Here I realized how hard it can be for a kid to get their school work done when their home is an unsafe place, and they don't have anyone to buy them binders, calculators, paper, or even pencils. This reality punched me in the gut, and increased my desire to become a great teacher because these kids deserve to have the best at school, when they have the opposite at home.

Out of high school, I chose Linfield College based on two things. One, their education department is well-known for the high-quality teachers that they produce each year.  And second, their football program is unmatched for consistently winning and making their players better people.  This was the best decision I could have made for myself.  Linfield did make me a better person, and the characteristics that are preached by the coaches are a big reason for my future success as a teacher and charitable volunteer.

Once I finished at Linfield, I wanted to earn my Masters Degree before I began my teaching career, so I enrolled in another very reputable program, UW-Bothell, Masters of Education.  My parent's college funds had dried up, so I started working three jobs to pay for my tuition.  I was a Maintenance Man at my mom's work.  Those that have seen me attempt to use tools know that this was a stretch, but I learned a lot, and walked away with some useful skills.  I also was a Recreation Director for the City of Bothell and Issaquah during breaks from school.  This allowed me to play games all day with kids, and get paid for it. Thanks Ric and Cathy! And my last job was as a Door Host (bouncer) at a bar in Kirkland.  This was the best job training because intoxicated adults act just like Jr High kids.

Language Arts and Social Studies were the focus at Linfield. Literacy was my focus in Grad School.  So when my first job was a leave replacement (maternity leave) for a teacher who taught a Language Arts/Social Studies block, I was excited.  Then I was told she also taught math and honors math...oh boy. OK, if that is what it takes to get a job, I'll do it!  I should also mention that the teacher I was replacing is one of the best teachers to ever walk in a school, and I stole all of her classroom systems the next year. Thanks Anne!

Me, Math Teacher? Part 3 coming soon.

I have been weighing in twice a month, once around the 14th or 15th and once at the end of the month.  I am starting to feel it when my weight-loss is going well, or when it slows down.  I am learning what my body feels like when I am eating well, and when I have an off day.  I had a great week last week, and feel like that the weigh-in in 2 days will be a great one!  Check back then and celebrate with me!

Also, a few of you offered to help me learn how to cook some quick and healthy meals. Email me if you have time to meet up in the next couple weeks. 

You all are helping to save my life, and countless others! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Radams,

    Do you have a crockpot? If so, there are lots of easy, healthy recipes you can make in it. We use recipes from The Slow Cooker Bible quite a bit. The one below is for a 3 Bean Turkey Chili that I make... I usually add a little extra chili powder though. Another great thing about the crockpot is that you end up with lots of leftovers!
