Saturday, March 10, 2012

FAT 2012

My body has been at war since early childhood.  Rebel forces, FAT, has been advancing for years.  At times FAT has been quite stealthy under the guise of loose clothing and fat hiding posture.  Through the years, my will has tried to fight back the FAT, but to no avail.  The FAT beat down my will and found me eating burgers and pizza while the FAT furiously invaded all parts of my body.  The FAT was visible, not invisible.  These crimes against health will NOT stand!

This is the year that FAT will be held accountable for its horrendous actions.  This is the year that the Radams Army of FAT Fighters brings down, once and for all, the FAT.  It will take awareness.  Thankfully my original email went completely viral, reaching at least 140 people.  It will also take funding.  Thanks to you, we have money pouring in as if cars ran on FAT, and I was Exxon.  Lastly, it will take persistent badgering of the people that make the decisions regarding my FAT.

Here is what you need to do:  Write letters to your local Ryan. Tell him that you will not stand by while FAT is still free in him.  Call your Radams and tell him that FAT's time has come to end, and you support military action if needed.  Email your fellow FAT victims and encourage them to join you in the war on FAT.  This is our motto: FAT 2012: Stop at No Fast Food

Together, we will make the world FAT Free!

(This, in no way, is meant to make light of the atrocities of Joseph Kony.  It was meant to make light of my FAT.  {Pun intended.})

Is Subway considered fast food?  Well, with exception to Subway and one trip to Taco Time, I have not been eaten fast food in over 3 months.  When I saw this commercial, I had to laugh.


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