Relay For Life of Northshore is having a Garage Sale this Saturday at Pop Keeney in Bothell from 10am-2pm. Yes, it was a shameless plug, but it is also the start to my blog topic for today.
Riffling through my Mom's garage looking for items that I could take to the Relay garage sale, I found two bags of clothes that I had been storing there since the tree fell on my house 16 months ago. These were clothes that I either outgrew, as in I was too fat for, or I purchased online and when they arrived, I could not get my fat-ass into them. A lot of them were brand new, with tags still on them.
I took them home and sorted them into piles. One pile, crap to get rid of. Another, still need to lose more weight. And the third pile, holy crap this looks good, and I can fit into it now! Needless to say, I am very excited to have some new, but not new clothes to wear. I was worried about the in-between stages of my weight-loss where I didn't want to buy a new wardrobe, but the bagginess of my current clothes looked a bit ridonkulous. I debated on throwing these clothes out after the tree fell because, "I won't be that small ever again..." But now they fit. It feels good!
Today was my 2nd to last weigh-in. I will not weigh-in again until May 25th, the last day of this fundraiser. Not even an unofficial weigh-in to check myself. I want that last number to be a surprise! After May 25th, that's when you all need to pay up. :) You will have one week from the final weigh-in to the day of Relay to get your donations in. I am not going to hold anyone's feet to the fire on the donation amount. If I lost more than you had thought I would, don't worry about the donation amount. I appreciate the motivation you gave me, and the support along the way. I owe my life to each one of you. Thank you for helping me find myself!
Today's weigh-in, I dropped 5 pounds for a total of 75 pounds lost! What can I do in the final 25 days?!?!?!
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