Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Before picture pressure

I have been asked by many, and I mean many people about my before and after pictures. I did not want to have before and after pictures. I find them a bit silly. In the before picture, the person always looks sad. Like someone just told them that they are not getting a Christmas bonus, or that the next installment of Twilight has been delayed 6 months. Aww...sad. They stand there sticking out their belly as if trying to win a contest for the deepest belly-button.

The after pictures crack me up even more. Especially for the guys. They usually stand against a white wall that has an overhead light. That way the shadows around their new abs with stand out more in the picture. Then they hold their arms out while they suck in their stomach as far as they can, but it's the arms that get me rolling my eyes. Are you telling me that your lats are so big that your elbows can no longer retreat to your body? If so, then I do not want to use whatever product you are so excited about. They also flex their pectorals, biceps and traps. Like the rest of care if you have bigger neck and shoulder muscles after you lost weight. How's your mile time? Tell me that and quit flexing!

And do people that lose weight always need to go tanning? If tan people are so much more beautiful, then why was Marilyn Monroe so famous? I guess I can see how TV and magazines could make people think that tan equals beautiful. I just don't understand it, and it is natural to either fear, or find humor in what we don't understand. Since I don't fear tan people, I will find humor.

So here you go people. This is not a typical before picture, but it is one that when I first saw it, made me throw up a little in my mouth. I am thicker than most people are wide, and all of that pink and purple does not help the situation. This is at last year's Relay For Life of Northshore. I was the Co-Chair, organizing an event to save lives, and I obviously have been killing myself with food and inactivity. The irony is palpable.

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